First Class Game Studios
Master Enterprise Architecture and Design
Brand new course by Greg Moss designed for the new AI revolution to turn you from a game developer into a game architect.
Understand game architecture and design learning to create detailed models and diagrams for games such as Risk, Monopoly, Clue, Battleship and more.
Interested in learning game development as a hobby or maybe to create your own indie game? For a limited time get my Mega Game Course Bundle of beginner friendly game development courses for less than $10 each!
All of my courses are designed to make it FUN to learn how to design and build games! Unlike most courses that take you through boring contrived examples, these courses get you started right away making fun games you can extend with your own ideas!
There has never been a better time to learn game design!
Mojo: Expert Indie Game Training, Coaching, & Publishing
Get started today at becoming a Professional Game Developer. Launch your game on Steam, Google Play Store, Apple,, Kongregate and more... in just a matter of weeks! We actively help you build your game with weekly developer support and coaching!
Sign up for a FREE one-on-one Game Developer Strategy Session and learn how Mojo can SUPER CHARGE your game idea, and get it to market. If you wish to take it further, we can help you get a career in professional game design and development.
FREE FOR A LIMITED TIME! C# Business Tycoon Course!
There has never been a better time to become a Game Developer!

Mojo: Build Your Games in Record Time
FREE Steam Game Release Package
Mojo is a powerful collection of Idle, RPG, Novel Building & Simulation Components that allows you to build games in record time. Even better, Mojo includes training, support, developer coaching and mentoring that walks you all the way up to launching your game on Steam, ioTwitch, Google, and Apple Play Store!
* Access to Mojo is by invitation only. We are currently seeking ambitious career oriented game designers and developers.
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Launch your Game Career with Mojo!
By Greg Moss : Creator of C# Idle Tycoon
Are you a game developer looking for a surefire way to get started in the game industry? Mojo is a complete game framework for Unity that provides you with a living toolbox for your game career.
Mojo is a complete set of ready-to-use game components along with training, developer coaching and team networking designed to take you to help you launch your career in Game Development.
In addition, Mojo is the fun new character in Mojo's Madness : Domination Empire
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Celebrating 15,000+ Success Stories
Greg Moss, founder of First Class Game Studios, has been an Enterprise Application & Game Developer for more than 30 years. He has created more than a dozen game courses and provided developer coaching on platforms including Python, Javscript, Unity 3D, Unreal and others.
Greg has provided courses and game consultation to more than 10,000 companies and individuals. Many game designers and developers to levels of success they could never achieve with standard classroom learning. Instead of just focusing on the technical aspects of game development, Greg uses real world game projects and coaches game developers how to survive and thrive in the dog-eat-dog world of indie game development.
NeuroMage - A Premimum Neurogaming Experience
Use the power of your own mind to become a powerful wizard
NeuroMage - EEG Gaming
Concept and Development by Greg Moss of First Class Game Studios
In the future, we will not only use our fingers and hands to play games. Using inexpensive EEG technology, games will soon be able to read your brainwaves and react to them. One of the very first games to take advantage of this cutting edge technology is NeuroMage. Developed by veteran application and game developer Greg Moss, Neuromage showcases the power of this future technology.
With each iteration of the technology NeuroMage is waiting for this emerging market to take hold. Learn more about Neurogaming technology at NeuroSky.
I'm Creating Unity Tycoon 2.0!
What do you want in a course?
Created by Greg Moss, C# Idle Tycoon has been used by over 2,500 Game Developers to learn how to create their very own Idle Tycoon Game.
The course includes full source code and complete 12 hour course on building an idle game from the ground up. Includes advanced features such as rebirth, save/load, continue calculating when game is not running, idle game data generator, and many more features.
Now Greg is looking to create the next new version of Idle Tycoon. If you would be interested in being a part of this creation please contact me! I want your feedback on the course and how it can be improved!
Contact Greg:

Python Idle Tycoon
Want to learn Python step-by-step by building a fun idle tycoon game? Now you can with Python Idle Tycoon. Learn important Python Design Patterns that can be applied to virtually any Python Application Development.
I've trained literally THOUSANDS of developers with these fun courses that teach real world development skills.
Python Pirate Trader
Learn Python will designing a fun Pirate Trading game like the popular Tiapan. Even if you have never written a single line of Python you can follow this course to create you very first Python game. This course is designed for Python application developers who may wish to go on and write business applications in Python.
Learn Python by building a fun Pirate Trading Game!